Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 fact about christmas :

10 shocking Christmas facts

Most expensive Christmas tree

Think you’ve overstretched your budget this year?  Well, hopefully hearing this shocking Christmas fact will help you feel a little better about your Christmas spending splurge. One man, Yves Piaget, spent a whopping £10.4 million on decorating his Christmas tree. The tree was lavishly decorated with 83 pieces of jewellery in Tokyo.

Santa’s magic

Obviously we all know that Santa has magical powers, but researchers have calculated just how magical Father Christmas really is. The researchers found that in order to deliver all of his presents on Christmas Eve Santa would need to travel at 650 miles per second and visit 822 homes a second – no wonder he needs to eat so many mince pies.

Christmas tree soup

Did you think that eating satsumas was the most festive way to get your hit of Vitamin C? Think again. It turns out that you can actually eat parts of your Christmas tree and that the needles from your tree are a great source of Vitamin C. If you want to tuck into your tree after Christmas then dry out the needles before grinding. You can then use the dried needles as a garnish on soups.

Robin Christmas cards might annoy your postman

Robins are a Christmas card favourite and you’re likely to receive several glittery Christmas cards with a robin emblazoned cheerily on the front. Yet, robins can be seen in the UK (where the Christmas card tradition began) throughout the year. So why are they so popular at Christmas? Well, back in the nineteenth century postmen wore red tunics and were nicknamed ‘Robin Postmen’. Therefore putting a robin on a Christmas card was in fact a joke.

It’s A Wonderful Life

Nearly every family cosies up and watches It’s A Wonderful Life over Christmas, but did you know that this Christmas movie favourite had an FBI file? Although ludicrous, this shocking Christmas fact is real. In 1947 some thought the movie was a communist ploy and that its purpose was to undermine bankers. Here’s another shocking It’s A Wonderful Life Christmas fact: when the bridge scene was filmed, George is rather sweaty because it was in fact 90 degrees on the day of filming.

Weight gain at Christmas

Do you think you get a little heavier over the festive period? Even though most of us over-indulge and enjoy a few too many feasts studies have found that we don’t actually put on as much as we think. The US study found that participants thought they put on at least 5lbs (2.27kg), but they had actually only gained an average amount of 0.8lb (0.36kg) over the Christmas period.

Christmas in space

Some people want to escape from Christmas, but this Christmas fact shows us that Christmas is almost inescapable as carols have even been sung up in space. The first song to be sung in space was Jingle Bells. Two astronauts back in 1965 reported seeing a UFO. They then claimed that the UFO had one main command module and eight smaller modules in front and that the pilot was wearing a red suit. The mischievous pair then went on to sing Jingle Bells to NASA.

Home Alone

Everyone loves Home Alone, but did you know that Daniel Stern, the actor who played the baddie Marv, didn’t like spiders? He didn’t want to do the infamous tarantula scene, but agreed to the filming as long as it was completed in just one take. The scene was shot but Daniel Stern wasn’t allowed to scream in real life because it would have spooked the tarantula, so the scream had to be added by tech whizzes at a later date.

Biggest ever secret Santa

If you thought your works secret Santa was a tricky and complex business then imagine how difficult it was to organise the workers at Boots UK Limited, who took part in the largest ever secret Santa. The present swap involved 1,270 people and took place in 2008. 

Christmas break-ups

You would think that Christmas is one of the most romantic times of the year. Mistletoe, open fires and endless parties is the perfect mix to get close to your other half, yet by looking at Facebook posts researchers has discovered that lots of couples break up two weeks before Christmas. In fact this period is the second most common time of the year for couples to split.

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17 Tipe Posting Menarik

1. Tutorial            ; Postingan jenis ini menjelaskan cara seseorang melakukan sesuatu secara step by step Postingan ini bisa dianggap sebagai tipe yang paling banyak dicari oleh pengunjung. Contoh kecil adalah saat Anda ingin memodifikasi blog, maka Anda pasti akan membuat artikel-artikel tutorial mengenai modifikasi blog.
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16. Prediksi         ;Nah kalau yang ini kebalikannya. Berisi prediksi atau perkiraan suatu hal. Misalnya tentang prediksi bisnis internet tahun 2009. Anda bisa analisis yang telah terjadi dan kemudian memprediksi yang akan terjadi berikutnya. Biasanya postingan ini dilakukan pada akhir tahun. Sedang untuk prediksi produk, biasanya dituliskan sebelum atau beberapa saat setelah peluncuran produk. Postingan prediksi sangat menarik dan kerap memancing perdebatan hangat.
17. PengAndaian; Artikel jenis ini berisi tentang suatu hal yang belum terjadi. Cirinya biasanya berjudul “SeAndainya...”. Tentunya pengAndaiannya tetap disesuaikan dengan topik blog. Sebagai contoh kalau topik blog Anda tentang politik misalnya, Anda bisa menulis “SeAndainya Tukul jadi Presiden”. Artikel jenis ini kuat mengundang perhatian dan membuat gatal pengunjung untuk segera berkomentar.”

Tambahan dari saya adalah
18. Postingan Copy Paste ; Postingan ini mengcopy artikel menarik dan mempublikasikan ulang di blog sendiri. Artikel  jenis ini biasanya sangat menarik namun tidak bermoral apabila tidak dicantumkan sumbernya serta tanpa memberikan tanda jelas (seperti tanda kutip atau blok alinea berbeda) disebut plagiarisme.
Silahkan pilih posting yang sesuai dengan karakter blog Anda dan tulis di blog Anda. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan semua tipe posting ini, gunakan hanya agar blog Anda terkesan selalu menghadirkan kreativitas dan inovasi baru. Sekarang, posting jenis manakah yang akan Anda gunakan terlebih dahulu? Atau mungkin anda punya jenis posting menarik baru yang ingin disampaikan? Silahkan ..

Sumber :

Einstein Theory prove that ghost is true ?
Para pencari hantu amatir ini sering kali kedapatan membawa peralatan elektronik yang diyakini membantu menemukan energi halus. Meski para pemburu hantu ini telah bertahun-tahun berupaya keras menemukan bukti keberadaan hantu, sejauh ini belum ada bukti yang cukup ‘bagus’ yang menyatakan keberadaan hantu.
Banyak pemburu hantu yakin, dukungan kuat keberadaan hantu bisa ditemukan dalam fisika modern. Khususnya seperti pada salah satu pemikir sains terbesar sepanjang masa, Albert Einstein, yang menawarkan dasar ilmiah untuk realitas hantu.
Sebuah pencarian Google baru-baru ini memunculkan hampir delapan juta hasil pencarian. Semuanya menunjukkan hubungan antara hantu dan pekerjaan Einstein yang meliputi konservasi energi.
Tak hanya itu, pernyataan ini diulang oleh banyak ahli di bidang ini. Contohnya, peneliti hantu John Kachuba dalam bukunya ‘Ghosthunters’. Ia menulis, “Einstein membuktikan semua energi alam semesta adalah konstan dan itu tak bisa diciptakan atau dihancurkan”.
Lalu, apa yang terjadi pada energi itu saat manusia meninggal? “Jika itu tidak bisa dihancurkan, menurut Einstein, energi ini akan menjadi bentuk lain. Apa energi baru itu? Bisakah kita menyebutnya ciptaan baru hantu?,” lanjutnya.
Ide ini muncul dan disajikan sebagai bukti pada hampir semua situs bertema hantu. Contohnya, sebuah kelompok bernama Tri County Paranormal menyatakan, “Albert Einstein mengatakan, energi yang tak bisa diciptakan atau dimusnahkan itu hanya bisa berubah dari satu bentuk ke bentuk lain. Saat hidup, manusia memiliki energi listrik dalam tubuh. Apa yang terjadi pada listrik di tubuh yang membuat jantung berdetak dan manusia bisa bernapas? Hingga kini, belum ada jawaban untuk hal itu”.
Sebenarnya, jawabannya sangat sederhana dan sama sekali tidak misterius. Setelah seseorang meninggal, energi dalam tubuh pergi ke energi dari semua organisme pergi setelah mati, yakni ke lingkungan.
Saat manusia mati, energi yang tersimpan dalam tubuh dilepaskan dalam bentuk panas, dan dipindahkan ke dalam hewan yang memakan tubuh manusia seperti binatang liar jika mayat dibiarkan tak terkubur, atau cacing dan bakteri jika dikuburkan serta tanaman.
Jika tubuh manusia dikremasi, energi dalam tubuh akan dilepaskan dalam bentuk panas dan cahaya. Saat manusia makan tumbuhan dan hewan mati, manusia mengonsumsi energi dan mengubahnya untuk digunakan sendiri.
Makanan dimetabolisme saat dicerna, dan reaksi kimia melepaskan energi yang dibutuhkan hewan untuk hidup, bergerak, bereproduksi dan lainnya. Energi itu tidak dalam dalam bentuk bola energi elektromagnetik yang bersinar, melainkan berbentuk panas dan energi kimia.
Banyak pemburu hantu mampu mendeteksi medan listrik hantu. Di sisi lain, benar adanya, proses metabolisme manusia dan organisme lain menghasilkan arus listrik dengan tingkat yang sangat rendah dan energi ini tak lagi dihasilkan saat mati.
Karena sumber energi dan arus listrik berhenti seperti bola lampu mati saat dimatikan, sebagian besar ‘energi’ yang ditinggalkan tiap orang yang sudah mati butuh bertahun-tahun untuk masuk kembali ke lingkungan dalam bentuk makanan dan sisanya menghilang tak lama setelah kematian.
Energi itu sendiri tidak dalam bentuk yang bisa dideteksi setahun kemudian dengan perangkat berburu hantu populer detektor seperti medan elektromagnetik (EMF). Pemburu hantu yang mengulang klaim teori-teori Einstein ini memberi dasar yang kuat untuk mengungkap sedikit tentang hantu dibanding kurangnya pemahaman pada sains.
Hantu mungkin memang ada namun baik Einstein maupun hukum-hukum fisikanya masih belum mampu menunjukkan hantu adalah nyata.

Friday, October 26, 2012

fictional story for teens

"Cry as I may these tears won’t wash you away," it was the note that was left in my locker by one of the gullible girls who thought they could manage to make me fall in love with them. The letter itself was very congruous to the ones that the other girls that I have once dated left, and maybe if they didn't have a dearth of skepticism they would not have taken to rumors about me for granted. 

"It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces," ugh why is she trying to make me feel bad? Seriously! They were the ones who asked me out! I never once promised them anything in return and yet they all demanded more from me.

"What happens when he's your prince charming, but you're not his Cinderella," this note was really getting on my last nerves. What was with this girl, and all her depressing love quotes? I know she can find someone better!

“When you're in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut, it will heal with time but the scars will never fade, you will always have a piece of my heart... I miss you more than you'll ever know, Thi," finally the note was over, so I crumpled it up and threw it away.

I hope Thi finds happiness, even if I'm not the one to provide it to her. I felt a tear slip out of the corner of my left eye. Knowing that I have hurt someone else made me feel grim, when will I ever be able to return the love that was bestowed upon me? Was I cursed to hurt people who honestly cared about me in Leon High School? 

I witnessed the whole scene play out in front of me. Oliver Olin Olson cried? Why? He was the rumored heart breaker, whom girls couldn't help but fall in love with. A typical rebel, but one who was secretly smart, (he was the second of our class, top for the guys, because no one could beat Acelynn,) girls always flocked around him, begging him to date them, and he never turned anyone down. However, it never lasted over a week with anyone. On the seventh day of dating someone he always broke up with them, not showing the slightest amount of remorse. 

Then why were his hazel eyes filled with such furtive pain? Was he really the person I thought he was? Does that mean the rumors weren't true? There was only one way to find out what kind of person he was... and that was to date him and find out for myself.

I, True Harmony, will find if he was really a bad person, because I can not stand to see such beautiful eyes in such pain.

“Dear Oliver, please go out with me, Love <3 True Harmony,” I burst out with frivolous laughter. True Harmony? What kind of name was that? What kind of person was she? Shouldn't she know better than to go out with me! Girls are gullible, always falling for looks. However, I can't say no, it's against my policy to never turn anyone down unless I had a girlfriend. 

“Okay,” I left my one word response in her locker.


“What is it True,” asked my best friend Acelynn.

“I'm dating Oliver Olson!”

“What!? Is that really a good thing? He is a womanizer after all!”

“But I think he is deeper than that,” I muttered.

“Well he is stunning, if your into that whole bad boy thing,” Acelynn pondered.

He was just that with messy, bed-head sandy blond hair, and very passionate hazel eyes. Not to mention he towered over the majority of the student body with his bewildering height, but he also seemed like someone I could relate to. Someone who was quiet, and unable to fall in love with just anyone.

“I'm not going to speak to him for seven days,” I said.

“What? But after seven days he always breaks up with his girlfriend!”

“I know, but I'm afraid if I talk to him face to face I'll fall for him.”

“Hellooo... I thought you already liked him!”

“I do, but I don't want him to know that I love him, yet,” I muttered.

“So how will you talk to him,” Acelynn asked.

“Love Letters.”

The first letter from True showed up the second day we started dating. It read:

Dear Oliver,

I know I'm far to much of a coward to look you in the eyes and tell you how I feel about you. After all I know that after seven days you will probably forget all about me, and looking into your eyes will only make that day hurt more. I used to think you were a heartless player, but then I learned that you and I are much the same... We are both looking for love but unable to find it, well I guess now I'm different from you because I fell for you. I know deep down you are kind and caring person so I hope one day you will care for someone as much as I care for you, even if I am not that person. I want you to know my feelings for you, and I will constantly remind you of these feelings for the week we date. So please reply to this letter.

With devotion,

True Harmony

I never encountered this before. Kind person, me? She must be thinking of someone else. This girl must be really willful. However, I decided to humor her and picked up a pen...


Oliver left a note in my locker the next day, it read as follows:

True Harmony,

You must have some warped parents to get a name like that. I appreciate your honesty, but if by the end of this week I cannot return your feelings I will move on. You may think I'm a kind person but I must contradict you, I after all am quite the opposite of that. I do however, want to meet you face to face before the seven days come to an end. Please tell me what kind of person you are.

Oliver O. Olson

I replied.


Her second letter came on the third day, soon after my letter, it read:


Your curiosity makes me so happy! When I read you letter my heart skipped a beat. See you are a caring person! You didn't have to write back but you did! My name True Harmony is because my parents were composers of music, my dad plays the violin, and my mom was a piano composer until she passed away when I was eight. Well I guess I can be describes as a stubborn person, well thats what Acelynn says, she's my best friend! I am the kind of person who finds it easier to convey my feelings when people are not around to see them, but I really want to know about you too! Why do you only date girls for seven days? 


No one ever asked me why I only dated girls for seven days before.


His letter arrived on the fourth day.


You are actually the first person who ever asked me that, and the answer is because of my big sister Miranda. She passed away five years ago when I was eleven. She wanted me to fall in love and be happy and she told me, “You know it's love, if you can fall in love in seven days,” because she fell in love with her true love in seven days. He died, and she committed suicide. I never told anyone this before. I feel safe telling you personal things. You remind me of Miranda she was really stubborn too. Although, she was a bully, but I don't think your like that. In fact I think you a good person, and I think I may actually end up falling for you.


Does that mean he likes me? That was the last letter I got until the seventh day.

I never had this feeling for anyone that was besides the people I shared blood relations with. Was it love? Did I love True? I felt such a strong connection to her. It was day seven, but I was doubtful if I wanted to break up with her of not. Did I love her? How was this possible I never even met her face to face. I decided to send her one more letter. It was short and to the point.


I need to meet you face to face. Meet me at the Cafe on the corner of First Street and Lincoln Drive. Don't worry I don't want to see you so we can break up. I want to meet you and continue to date. Write back.


I was ecstatic! I was going to date him! Was this possible? What should I wear? How should I do my make up? I was so happy I almost forgot to write back.

“Acelynn! I'm dating Oliver! He told me he's not going to break up with me!”

“That's great True, but don't shout so loud you don't know who can be eavesdropping,” Acelynn whispered.

“We have a date at the Cafe on the corner of First Street today,” I was so happy I couldn't even control the rigor of my voice! Later I wish I had. 

“Well be sure to tell him your coming,” Acelynn muttered.

Dear Oliver,

I am overjoyed! My heart won't stop racing! I can finally say it I love you! I have loved you since the first time I saw you. I will defiantly come and see you.

True Harmony

I saw her cross the street. The way she looked at me confirmed it was her. She had really long and pretty, curly, black hair that went down to the small of her back, and elegant features that made her look like royalty. So this is True. She really was pretty.

She made it across the street and walked up to my table, with a slight blush on her pale cheeks, and when she stood directly in front of me she stammered in such an adorable way I really wanted to hug her.

“Hi... I'm True... We wrote letters together....”

“Yes, I know who you are, you are the girl who made me fall for her.”

She blushed a deep crimson color. 

“OLIVER HOW COULD YOU,” a shrill shriek made my head pivot around. It was Thi. Whose heart I broke.

“Thi I'm sorry I wasn't able to love you, but I met someone I could love.”


She stumbled towards me, and I could smell the rank scent of alcohol on her breath.


“Thi, stop it,” it was True who spoke.


Thi reached into her pocket, pulled out a gun, and pointed it at True.

“THI STOP,” I ordered.



Sharp pain.

An angel's scream.


It has been six months since the funeral. Six months since I lost the person I thought I could spent my life with. Six months since Thi was sent to jail. Six months since I regretted talking so loudly to Acelynn about our date Six months since I felt anything other then remorse. Six months since the police gave me one last love letter. 

My Dearest True,

I love you. You are my first and only love. I want to spend time with you and make you happy, but I know I can't. I'm too afraid to lose you, like I lost everybody else I loved. “When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar,” someone who loved me ones said this. You made the scar of my sister's death disappear. I know that you will object and say you want to be with me, but I'm not breaking up with you. 

I'm asking you to wait. Wait until I become a person worthy of you. I will always be there for you, but I want to treat you like a treasure, I want to support you the way you supported me. Please say you will wait for me my precious True. I want to become the perfect person you can be with. I write this with the hopes that we will one day have a life together, and also because I am to much of a coward to say these words, so I must write them. I want you to have all of my heart.



“When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut .. It will heal, but there will always be a scar."

The Helpless love

its about story ,a moral story.
here it is ..

Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation. According to their nature, each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of an impending storm was announced and everyone was advised to evacuate the island.
The announcement caused sudden panic. All rushed to their boats. Even damaged boats were quickly repaired and commissioned for duty.
Yet, Love did not wish to flee quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realised it was time to leave. Alas, there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope.
Just then Prosperity passed by in a luxurious boat. Love shouted, “Prosperity, could you please take me in your boat?”
“No,” replied Prosperity, “my boat is full of precious possessions, gold and silver. There is no place for you.”
A little later Vanity came by in a beautiful boat. Again Love shouted, “Could you help me, Vanity? I am stranded and need a lift. Please take me with you.”
Vanity responded haughtily, “No, I cannot take you with me. My boat will get soiled with your muddy feet.”
Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was to no avail. “No, I cannot take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”
When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it did not look around, hardly concerned about anyone.
Love was growing restless and dejected. Just then somebody called out, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place.
On getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Puzzled, Love inquired, “Knowledge, do you know who so generously gave me a lift just when no one else wished to help?”
Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time.”
“And why would Time stop to pick me and take me to safety?” Love wondered.
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and replied, “Because only Time knows your true greatness and what you are capable of. Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world.”
“The important message is that when we are prosperous, we overlook love. When we feel important, we forget love. Even in happiness and sorrow we forget love. Only with time do we realize the importance of love. Why wait that long ? Why not make love a part of your life today ?"

Danny Pratama
"Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world. So spread the Love" - The owner

What is Music ??

so this is the second time i write on this blog ..
sekarang gw lg pengen banget bahas tentang musik. kaga tau kenapa tapi pengen banget kayak orang lagi ngidam hahahaha ..
okay musik ,musik adalah sebuah karya seni yang tidak berbentuk yang mana Nada-nadanya mampu menhasilkan suatu harmoni yang indah. musik yang indah bisa mendamaikan hati seseorang yang gundah ,serta memiliki terapi rekreatif. Kata musik berasal dari kata mousike, dari The Muses (yunani). “The Muses” adalah sebutan untuk sembilan dewi2 anak perempuan Zeus dengan salah seorang istrinya, Mnemosyne (artinya: memory). dalam legenda mitologi Yunani, Zeus adalah king of gods. “The Muses” ini menjadi perwakilan untuk seni dan science, serta menjadi inspirasi bagi siapapun yang mengejar prestasi di bidang tersebut.

Berikut kesembilan muses dengan atribut masing2 yang perlu lu tau :
-Kleio  "sejarah"
-Euterpe "permainan flute"
-Thalia "komedi"
-Melpomene "tragedi"
-Terpsichore "tarian"
-Erato "puisi cinta"
-Polymnia "musik suci"
-Ourania "astrologi"
-Kalliopes "syair kepahlawanan"

Jika kita lihat nama2 mereka serta atributnya, itu semua tercakup

dalam kata “musik”. Dan untuk menambahkan, nama dari ibu mereka adalah Mnemosyne yang
artinya memori. Bukankah dalam musik kita dapat menemukan semua elemen di atas ?

Potraits of The Nine Muses

The nine Muses

Thursday, October 25, 2012

its about IDOL ..

oke .. first this is my first blog
my name is danny ,16 years old
soo sekarang kita akan membahas tentang idola ..
idola gw banyak. mulai dari penulis kayak raditya dika ,arif muhhamad , alit susanto dll
sampe pemain bola kayak van persie ,mesut ozil dan cristiano ronaldo pastinya hahahaha
sebenarnya dari idola yg kita punya kita jdi mampu memotivasi diri menjadi lebih baik dan mampu melebihi kemampuan yang mereka miliki ,tetapi dengan catatan kita nggak mengambil sesuatu yg udah menjadi ciri khas mereka. jadi seperti contohnya gaya bahasa yang dimiliki raditya dika yang cenderung blak-blak'an serta arif muhhamad yang agak sedikitl luwes dan bebas. itu semua agar karya kita dapat mengembang dan tidak terbatas pada karya-karya mereka saja.
okee sampe sini dulu postingan gw ,doakan kedepannya postingan gw dapat bermanfaat buat lu-lu pada hahaha

ohh ya inget "A million Miles way start with a single small step" jadi buat lu-lu yang karyanya pengen banget jadi terkenal dan dihargai ,mulai lah dari awal dengan langkah-langkah kecil dahulu. sipp gak tuh ?